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April Goals: What I Want to Accomplish This Month

It's the first of the month so it's time to share my April Goals with you.But first, here's a recap of my March Goals:

Recap: March's Goals

  1. Upload one YouTube video each week. No, not quite.  I did, however, upload my February Favorites and my Date Night Makeup Tutorial.
  2. Post three times a week. Yeah, I think this totally happened!  Some of my favorite posts of last month were: my post about  the facial oils I'm currently using, my Spring to-do list and my roundup of the best of Anastasia Beverly Hills.
  3. Practice taking photos at least 3 times a week. Do selfies count?
  4. Clean out my closet.  It's definitely going to happen this month. Nah, this didn't happen, sigh.
  5. Finish a book.  Since I no longer take public transportation to work, I hardly read, so  I'm going to make that a priority this month. No, but I made progress! By the way, any recommendations on good books?
  6. Hang up some pictures.  I've had a stack of picture frames sitting in my living room for weeks.  I'm going to finally hang these photos and create the gallery wall I've been wanting since forever. No, this didn't happen either.  But April is  the month!

April Goals - Blog

  1. Do some behind-the-scenes upgrades.
  2. Do at least one fashion / style post.  Do you guys have any recommendations?  What style-related posts would you like to see?  Let me know in the comments!

April Goals - Life

  1. Increase my savings. I set aside a certain amount of each paycheck, but I want to increase that amount my 20%.
  2. Update my resume and LinkedIn profile. I think it's a good idea to keep these things current because you never know when you'll make a new connection. If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready! 
  3. Update my style. I'm in a rut and need to revamp my style in a major way. It's just that jeans and workout clothes are so comfy. #AthleisureForever

Your turn! What are your April goals? Let me know in the comments below.