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March Goals

desk-goalsFebruary was a crazy month for me with lots of blogging newness.  Here's a little check in on the goals that I set for last month and what I hope to accomplish this month:

Recap: February's goals

  1. Upload one YouTube video each week: Well, I managed to upload 2 videos: My Post-Gym Workout Routine and Day to Night Makeup Tutorial.  My February Favorites video is coming on Thursday.  Not a total success, but I'm happy.
  2. Complete the re-launch of my blog.  Happening this weekend!
  3. File my taxes! DONE.  So when you see me flexin on IG, you'll know why!
  4. Clean out my closet. Not done.  Not even close.  I probably added more clutter in fact.
  5. Plan a trip to Nigeria.  Not done.  But I've thought about it a lot.  Does that count?

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March blog goals

  1. Upload one YouTube video each week.
  2. Post three times a week.
  3. Practice taking photos at least 3 times a week.

March life goals

  1. Clean out my closet.  It's definitely going to happen this month.
  2. Finish a book.  Since I no longer take public transportation to work, I hardly read, so  I'm going to make that a priority this month.
  3. Hang up some pictures.  I've had a stack of picture frames sitting in my living room for weeks.  I'm going to finally hang these photos and create the gallery wall I've been wanting since forever.

what are your goals for march?

Share below so that we can keep each other accountable!