June Goals


I'm a day late for this June Goals post, which hopefully isn't a sign for how the rest of this month will go!  There's just something about coming back from a long weekend that just throws things off balance.  I think there's definitely an art to setting goals, and I'm still trying to figure it out.  On the one hand, I think it's a must to have goals that will stretch you and force you to grow in order to accomplish them.  However, there's a lot to be said for setting attainable goals so that you'll feel encouraged and inspired.I think I've been guilty of setting big goals but not mapping out all of the smaller steps that will help me to reach them, whether it's in relation to this blog or to my life in general.  So this month I'm going to just set two goals and also include a couple of steps that I'll take to make them happen.  Hopefully that'll be the change that I need to make some progress.  After all, we are almost halfway through this year, so it's time to kick things into high gear.Recap of May's Goals

  1. Host another giveaway! That didn't happen, but I did find a new way to host giveaways, so stay tuned!
  2. More YouTube! I fell short again, but I did upload a Glossier Tutorial and a review of Zoeva brushes!
  3. Get focused.  YES!  I think my vision for the rest of my life the year is finally becoming clearer.  I've been praying a lot for clarity as well as courage to go after my dreams.  Of course, nothing in this life is promised, but I'm slowly creating a vision for my future that has me feeling more motivated than I've been feeling lately.
  4. PURGE.  Sort of!  Over Memorial Day Weekend, I went through ALL OF MY MAKEUP and threw out things I've just been holding on to for far too long.  I also set aside lots of makeup that I've received for review that I just won't be incorporating into my daily makeup routine to send to some lucky friends and family members :-).

[highlighted_text]Did you set any goals for May?  Let me know what you were able to accomplish![/highlighted_text]

my june goals

  1. Look for opportunities for more revenue streams.  OK, so I keep seeing this quote on Instagram that the average millionaire has 6 income streams.  I have no idea if this is true, but it makes sense to me.  Now that I'm working in-house, I'm more able to do freelance legal work.  I have so many friends and acquaintances who have their side hustles and business ventures going, so I'm going to explore how I can work with them to make some extra money and use my legal skills in new settings.
  2. More YouTube!  This has been a goal consistently for months, but I just need to make this more of a priority.  I've been getting feedback with readers wanting more info on certain techniques or products, so I'm going to focus on making more videos.  I think the thing that holds me back is that it is just SO HARD.  But I also know that practice makes perfect, so I'll never get better if I don't consistently film and edit videos.  My plan to accomplishing this is to focus on shorter videos (under 10 minutes) because they'll be easier to edit.  This will also force me to be more organized before filming, which should be a big help!

I will have a May Favorites video coming soon, and am already planning to film an update on my favorite makeup tools as well as a haul video (I sort of went HAM with Memorial Day Weekend sales :-0).  [highlighted_text]What other videos would you like to see?[/highlighted_text]As always, I'd love to hear from you!  What are your June Goals?  Do you have any tips for setting and accomplishing goals?  Let me know!


Week In Makeup | I'm Not Buying Makeup Anymore!


Loving the Colors in the ColourPop Spring Collection!